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Buffy Summers
Buffy Summers.png
Real Name: Buffy Anne Summers
Main Alias: Slayer
Identity: Secret
Residence: Summers House (Sunnydale, Blüdhaven)
Citizenship: Flag United States.png United States of America
Occupation: Slayer and University Student
Education: Rutgers University-Blüdhaven
Birthday: January 19, 2001
Species: Metahuman
Gender: Female
Weight: 115 lb
Height: 5'4"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Reality: Earth-616
Angel Investigations, Scooby Gang, X-Force
Other Information
Publisher: Boom! (HER)
Status: Approved April 11, 2021
Starkbook: @Buffy
Played By: Sarah Michelle Gellar
Theme Song: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer Theme" by Nerf Herder

"I'm the thing that monsters have nightmares about."


"Into each generation a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One. One born with the strength and skill to fight the vampires, to stop their spread, and the swell of their numbers." Buffy Summers saves the world... a lot. Whether battling vampires and demons or taking on impossible odds, Buffy is clearly the best at what she does. The Master, Angelus, and even the Mayor were defeated because Buffy was prepared to sacrifice everything if needed, making Buffy a true Champion.


Buffy is a young woman with lightly tanned skin and bright golden blonde hair. She has sparkling blue eyes and a charming youthful beauty to her face. She's not a very large person at all, and most who looked at her would assume she was the Lead Cheerleader-type in high school... and they might not be entirely far off with that visual pat-down.

However, Buffy's confidence in how she moves and gets around would signal anyone who was sharp-of-eye to hint that the lithe young blonde has a lot more to her than one might normally judge her to have.

Buffy tends to wear very casual and modern clothing, jeans, sweaters, sneakers or boots... but sometimes she dresses up nicer depending on the occasion.


"Okay, so here's how it is. I just graduated Sunnydale High and it was the oddest experience it could possibly ever be. Murder, mayhem, blood, guts, screaming, more screaming and death. So much death... And that was just Miss Erickson's Home Ec class!"

"But in all honesty, it was a series of events that have shaped me into the tough-as-nails young woman that sits here before you today!... or something. That's what Giles would want to hear me say, I think."

"I moved here, to Sunnydale that is, three years ago with my mother and I soon found out that it was a Hellmouth! How about that for surprises?! A whole mouth, that connects to HELL. Yeah, I know, I thought that was Detroit too. But, no, its here... Sunnydale! Yay!... kill me. WE had to move here because of complications at my last high school.... lets call it that, yeah. My father left when I was little, I don't even know where he is anymore, so screw him anyway."

"I've met some great friends though, in Xander, Tara, sort of Anya, and Willow... my sweet sweet little Willow tree. They're totally all my BFFs, well, Anya might not be... but the others are!"

"My mother has had a few jobs here and there but she's finally got one that I think is going to work out well for her. Its in... investing? Or something? I don't know, she throws a lot of words out at my face, but very few of them actually make any sense to me!"

"Giles... oh, stuffy stuffy pants Giles. He's, you see he's my Watcher, they watch me. Not like that, that sounds creepy. No, Giles is the smart guy that has taught me how to fight all the evil that slimes its way out of the Hellmouth beneath our feet. He's great, but don't tell I told you that... because I plan to have it put on a brightly colored coffee cup and delivered to his house for his birthday! Anyway, he's the man who told me about my legacy, the... Slayer-stuff. Pretty big load to carry on your shoulders, but I've learned to cope with it, fairly well."

"I'm college-bound now, eager to get on to my next phase of living! Well, as much as I can live with Giles constantly hounding me to train more in the ways of the 'Ancient Slayer of Evil'. <Sigh> Look, I'll do all of that, I promise. Don't fog up your glasses with steam! I just want to... live a little first."

"Angel... he and I are in a complicated position in life. He was my first love, and I think about him every day. I look forward to seeing him every chance I get, I don't want to be away from him but right now... we just have to be."

"Anyway, that's about all I feel like sharing, okay? My friends are downstairs and they're telling me that I have to watch this thing about a three headed shark on Netflix. Oh, and... I think Spike is outside my window smoking 'fags' again. I swear to God, if he doesn't stop calling them that, I'm going to dust his pasty white ass. <mutters> probably should do it anyway, he's pretty much pure evil... I'm sure of it..."

"Anyway, if you have any more questions, just text me! Bye bye!"


Buffy's personality is kind hearted at its nature. She's a giving person who wants to help innocent lives and preserve the people who want nothing but to lead normal, good, existences. Buffy is also troubled though, and this has lead her to have authority issues and be short tempered. She gets quite grumpy if she doesn't get what she wants and has been known to isolate herself. The power of the Slayer weighs on her shoulders a great deal and it often makes her irritable and snippy with people she would otherwise not wish to treat badly. Buffy wants to have fun, and live a normal life for herself, but she knows in heart that its probably never going to happen.



Buffy's friends are her lifeblood. She adores her friends and would fight for them to the death. They are her 'brains' and she relies on them to help her figure out the troublesome situations that somehow always seem to fall right into Buffy's lap.

Joyce Summers

Buffy's Mother is her true best friend, she's the 'safe place' that keeps Buffy happy. She cares more for her mother than she does anything else in the world, and to lose her mother would be to lose her sanity and grip on reality. Her mother keeps her grounded (not like that, well, sometimes like that, but not anymore! Buffy is an ADULT now! who... still sometimes lives at home...)

Rupert Giles

Giles is the 'tome of knowledge' that Buffy can always fall back on. If the Scooby's don't know how to solve a problem, well then old Giles-y can solve it for sure!


Prophetic Dreams

One of her more unusual and less predictable abilities are her prophetic dreams. These seem to come at dramatic moments, usually when something big or important is about to happen. As the destined slayer, these dreams often alert her to something major that is about to happen, such as a new major threat to a city. Although sometimes - more often - these dreams are related to her own personal future. For instance, she was forewarned about a new sister 'arriving', she was connected to Faith in a dream when the rogue slayer was still in a coma and about to wake up; She foresaw her own death by the Master's hands. Things that affect her own personal destiny are more common, but occasionally, larger plot affecting events may be reflected in her dreams. In the case of the latter, these may require staff permission before experiencing these dreams.

Slayer Endurance

Buffy has the endurance of a gold medal Olympian. Buffy pushes herself on a nearly nightly basis for her patrols through the city of Sunnydale.

Slayer Healing

Buffy's wounds and injuries can heal up to four / five times faster than a normal human being. The Slayer has been granted many gifts, and Buffy tries to remind herself not to take these for granted.

Slayer Instincts

Buffy has the ability to sense creatures near her. This includes Vampires / Werewolves / Demons / Ghosts. She can 'sense' them and even 'smell' them depending on how close they are to her (50 feet or so, depending on the environment).

Slayer Memories

Buffy possesses a psychic link with all previous slayers, dating back to the original slayer some 1000+ years ago. This not only grants her past memories of previous slayers (albeit fragmented), she can also share dreams with other slayers and has gained collective knowledge of such things as past enemies and innate combat training and natural proficiency in numerous weapons and combat styles. In addition to her training with Giles who helped to focus these abilities, her raw, innate potential goes way beyond a mere 3 years of practice, dating back to the first slayer.

Slayer Speed

Buffy has the speed of a gold medal olympian. Buffy runs for fun and training, she loves the feeling of her body moving quickly through the night at high speed.

Slayer Strength

Buffy can lift up to 5,000 kilograms and has been challenging herself to even try to go further.


Martial Arts

For the past 3 years, Buffy has been trained by her Watcher, Giles in the ins and outs of martial arts / hand-to-hand / grappling combat. She's become a proficient user of kicks, punches and flips.

Melee Weapons

Giles has taught Buffy how to use a variety of western and eastern styles of melee weapons, from basic clubs to bladed weapons and thrown weapons... Buffy is a talented swordswoman and a talented knife thrower. But her weapon of choice, is the wooden stake.... 'Old Stabby' as Buff likes to call it.


Buffy has practiced her parkour skills during the past three years of nightly patrols throughout Sunnydale. Using her speed / endurance / strength / agility to hone her skill at leaping / climbing / tumbling and navigating her enviroments.

Slayer Skills

Giles has trained Buffy (with off-and-on amounts of attention) in the ways of the Slayer. This includes how to track the various types of Monsters that a Slayer is tasked with... slaying... (cringe). Buffy may not always look like she's paying attention to what Giles is telling her, but she actually is picking up more than anyone might truly realize and now that Highschool is over, she's learned to do quite a lot in the ways of monster hunting. Or at least, she thinks so.



Buffy is quick to anger, she has temper issues and she has ever since her father left.


Buffy's friends are a weakness because if someone threatens them, she may rush headlong into danger to try to stop it. She cares so much about her friends that she may become irrationally motivated to protect them.

Joyce Summers

Much like her friends, Buffy's mother is a source of potential weakness for her. Should anyone, or anything, threaten her mother it might cause Buffy to lose her ability to think clearly or rationally and cause her to do something reckless to try to save her.

Rupert Giles

Buffy relies too much on Giles and she doesn't even know it. Giles is like a father figure to her and she doesn't even know it. She's never had a real father, she doesn't even know what a father is supposed to provide in her life. Giles sees all of this, but also doesn't know how to broach the subject with her.


Home Sweet Hell

Buffy's home is her haven, her home is where her beloved Mother is and its where she can go to unwind... unless her mother is upset with her, then she hates it at home, then home is Hell. But USUALLY home is a place of refuge for Buffy, and though she wasn't comfortable in the house at first... after 3 years, its become her favorite place to be to hide away in her room.


Buffy has access to an assortment of weapons, thanks to her connections with the Watchers Council through Giles. Usually she wields simple wooden stakes, the ultimate vampire slaying weapon. (She even has a stylish chopstick style stake she wears in her hair from time to time!) occassionally when required, she may use a short sword in battle when she has to take down bigger enemies. This weapon is usually concealed and kept locked up somewhere safe, but can be accessed as needed.



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